Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Medical Coding Specialist

Medical Coding services are a major part of the entire healthcare system these days, as it drives the revenue cycles and is also dependent upon specialists. These are specialists are known as Medical Coding Specialists who are quite skilled in nature, and have a vast knowledge about the medical terms and conditions. They specialize in registering and recording the entire patient history with the help of medical codes in an accurate manner to track the patient’s account easily and to deal with the insurance policies. READ MORE…

Medical Record Coding

Medical Record Coding service envelops the entire history of the patient; even the cause of the medical aid is obligatory, as it is required for patient history and claims. These formalities are required to avoid any kind of healthcare fraud and abuse. As the basis for recompense, a suitable medical records coding company is essential, as healthcare providers seek to assure obedience with official coding guidelines. Medical coding the data also solves various purposes for internal use by institutions with respect to quality management activities, case-mix management, future planning, marketing processes, and other administrative and research activities. READ MORE……..

Medical Coding Client Testimonials

Testimonials about PDN Medical Coding Services

Many of PDN’s clients appreciate our effort in fulfilling their medical coding needs. We offer remote medical coding services to many nationwide health care facilities through our centralized remote coding lab. READ MORE……..

Friday, February 20, 2015


Medical Coding

Medical coding is sometimes associated with medical billing. Medical coding is different from medical billing. If we were to argue, medical coding can be considered as an essential process in medical billing. When a patient receives health care from either outpatient services or inpatient services, the provider is required to document for every service provided.
Healthcare industry is a very sensitive field, and procedural codes and diagnostic procedures have to be even more efficient Medical coding specialist have to ensure that patients may be diagnosed accurately, and service providers are paid on time.  READ MORE.........

HIM Quality Control – Successfully improving patient care.

The quality of care for patients has consistently been the top priority in any healthcare facility for over a century.  Back in the days when hospitals were small, independent facilities there was no bottom line to be concerned about.  The only concern was the patient and no request was too big to fulfill. Today, the patient is still the number one priority, but the rules of how that patient is cared for has changed dramatically.  Hospitals, for example, have basically become corporations that have to operate under strict laws and regulations, and those laws are constantly changing.  The one area in hospital administration that keeps things working efficiently and effectively is Health Information Management (HIM) Quality Control.  This area of expertise is growing and is vital to maintaining compliance within the federal laws under which hospitals operate.  READ MORE..........

Team Facilitation Techniques – Building a successful team today for the future.

The old saying “there is strength in numbers” is words of wisdom when it comes to team building within an organization.  Creating a positive atmosphere by establishing a strong team dynamic is essential to the success of the business.  Every member of an organization has strengths and weaknesses. The idea of team building is to turn those weaknesses into strengths and build a team that can successfully work together.  By engaging your members in certain team “games” to encourage learning together, you can create a natural and powerful team dynamic.  There are several team facilitation techniques you can explore to see which ones may be the right fit for your particular organization. READ MORE..........